Dictionary definition of Amnesia
Amnesia or amnæsia (from Greek Ἀμνησία) is a condition in which memory is disturbed. The causes of amnesia are organic or functional. Organic causes include damage to the brain, through trauma or disease, or use of certain (generally sedative) drugs. Functional causes are psychological factors, such as defense mechanisms. Hysterical post-traumatic amnesia is an example of this. Amnesia may also be spontaneous, in the case of transient global amnesia. This global type of amnesia is more common in middle-aged to elderly people, particularly males, and usually lasts less than 24 hours.
So synopsis of the definition is Amnesia is loss of memory for some particular reason but first one must understand what the concept of memory is and mostly The Indian concept of memory is to be followed in this essay. So I would give a brief introduction to the concept of memory and then what actually it means about loss of memory. Before starting on memory I would like to give small introduction to the terms I am going to use in this essay to explain memory.
Indian notion of memory
Theory of truth and reality and memory: It becomes utmost important to understand what human perception of truth is, because it is the truth that resides in the subconscious, not the reality. This definition of truth is not being opposite to lie. Truth is by definition mental perception of material reality. It is true that the thing in itself and the mental perception are absolutely different things. Actually it is our senses that carry impression of things to the brain, but the brain has the ability to recognize it. So in short reality is the objects surrounding the world but the image of the world that mind makes is the truth. The truth about everything that we have learnt so far resides in the memory, not the reality.
Theory of memory and time and space: The theory given in Jain literature about memory states that memory builds for ourselves time and then it actually externalizes the time. After memory externalizing the time or bringing it within the constraints of the other, memory helps us to control what we now think is the external time. Then comes the concept of imagination – which actually means that images which enter our mind is stored and by doing so we construct the images of space. So one can say the concept of time and space are constructed by mind using memory and imagination. What does loss of memory has an impact on ones understanding of the concepts of time and space.
Well I think that in the case of loss of memory the person losses track of ones time, it could not make out the gaps in the time frame created due to the loss in memory. But the ability to imagine does not have much effect. The images of space that enter our mind and the understanding of space does not get affected directly but the inability to comprehend time created blurred images and confusion.
In state of amnesia the person tends to jump spaces but could not keep track of time. The ability to imagine about future is not effected and the person suffering from amnesia can imagine almost in the way a normal person does but he cannot recall events in the same way the normal person does.
Theory of memory and language: Language is defined as a means for the human beings to describe the world. Society can be called a group of people who speak and understand the same language. Also Language that is describing the world is actually describing the language itself. So one has the experience of one’s time and one’s space, which form the part of ones consciousness which then forms the language. So the question comes how the language will be able to describe the whole of universe which is spread up in time and space.
Now in this case language has the power to express the whole of universe. Then what if the language itself had hidden some events of some time. What happens when the language does not think that it is worthwhile to express a particular event for its effects in the future. Then what will an individuals vocabulary comprise of when he learns this language to sustain in the society. He is unknowingly sent to the state of amnesia where his memory does not have the account of the past events. Even when so is made acquainted with such events, his brain seems to reject the idea as a whole and thus amnesia persists.
Language does not means languages like English or Hindi. It actually refers to some collection of vocabulary that has the power to describe the whole of universe which is spread up in time and space. It may comprise of folklores, literary works etc and not only pictorial or verbal description of things.
Theory of memory and experience: Experience is an unstated way of understanding reality. But the truth that presides in the mind about the reality that we perceive is a matter of space and time. Truth can be said as the description of totality of life, experience and totality of time. So the truth about reality that is there in the mind takes into account past present and the future, it has to change as realities changes with time. So what is the difference between the truth and experience and what role does experience plays in case the case of Amnesia.
An experience is more likely to escape from the memory in case of amnesia. Experience is more of a practical thing and learnt during the life time but truth can persist in memory because it forms the part of the preconscious mind.
Freud and post Freudians:
Freud– The concept of the unconscious: The unconscious refers to the psychoanalytical term denoting the unconscious part of the mind, where forgotten feelings, thoughts and experiences are stored. According to the psychoanalytical theory: human mind operates at three levels: the conscious, the pre-conscious and the unconscious. According to him there is a connection between the conscious-unconscious levels of the mind and the three structural parts if the mind comprising of mental behavior, motor and verbal behaviors. The id, ego and superego are operative both in the conscious and the unconscious. The pre-conscious level is the storehouse of memory. It contains thoughts, feelings and images of ‘past events’ that can be brought to the conscious level by an effort of the will. The thoughts, feelings and images contained in the unconscious are materials that were once in the conscious, but are now forgotten and untransferable to the conscious by an effort of the will, but transferable through psychoanalytical methods. Actually when a person is asleep, the conscious is inactive and the unconscious is active.
De fence Mechanism: In relation to the operation of ego functions, the mind experiences, occasionally, the phenomenon of anxiety which is a subjective feeling of uneasiness. From the psychoanalytical point of view, there are three types of pressures on the ego, leading to anxiety- from the id, from the superego and from the demands of environment. Human beings use various behaviors to be able to cope with anxiety.
But there are times when the anxiety provoked by external provoked by the external circumstances or by inner forces is so unimaginable that the ego represses it, or in other word pushes it to the unconscious. Repression is the defense mechanism of the ego. He also talked of denial, rationalization, displacement, sublimation, regression, identification with the aggressor, compensation, fantasy and projection as other forms of De fence mechanisms but they mostly do not lead to amnesia.
Cure suggested: He suggested by letting the sick person live once again through the painful scene, he was successful in resti-tuting the mental health of a patient and freeing him or her from pathological reactions. In Jenseit des Lustprinzips (Beyond the Pleasure Principle) as also in several other works of his, Freud developed the thesis that “the patient cannot recollect everything he repressed—and quite possibly the most important part of it stays repressed…. He is, however, urged to repeat the repressed instead of recollecting it.”
Jung on Amnesia
Jung and the idea of collective unconscious mind became a point of disagreement with Freud. Jung, said that man’s actions are to a large extent determined by the unconscious collective mind that belongs to the entire human race. In his psychoanalytic experience he found that subjects of widely different backgrounds displayed the same pattern of anxieties and strivings, and reported the same repeating pictures, symbols and figures. And he saw that these same images are present also in religion and in mythology, or collective human experience. Human dreams, human memories, imagination, poetry, could be grouped and analyzed according to these patterns, and he gave them a name: archetypes.
But there has been some people against this. As to these archetypes Velikovsky’s says, what exactly was the cause that implanted them in the human race—it was as if man, on growing out of his animal state to a state of intelligent being, on becoming homo sapiens, was already possessed of these mysterious patterns. How can these things come into the collective human memory. He also added that occasionally, in dreams and imaginations, in neurosis, the archetypes come to the surface—otherwise they remain submerged, though not inactive, in the collective unconscious mind.
Immanuel Velikovsky’s Mankind in Amnesia/ Worlds in Collision / Ages in Chaos
The theme of Mankind in Amnesia is the psychological aspect which answers several questions stemming from mankind’s past experience, namely, the grandiose events which took place not only in pre-human and prehistoric times, but in historical times as well. In Worlds in Collision Velikovsky termed collective amnesia as a formulation of the situation in which humanity finds itself as a consequence of the catastrophes which took place in historical times.
He specifies that at the ancient times when people used to witness lots of catastrophes took place and people wrote about what is going on in the sky, what is going on on earth, what is going on with the sea, what is going on with the mountains, what is going on with the people, the migrations of entire nations, earthquakes—everything is described—nevertheless, when we read it, and we think that it is only a political description, some metaphors
He said that we seem to see a quite world and cannot comprehend with those catastrophic changes, but as he believes that history is set to repeat itself, and the catastrophes are going to come in the future, how is man who had forgotten how their ancestors survived cope with this situation.
Locke and Hoobs: Hoobs was trying to figure out why human beings try to form social and political structures. He said that human memory plays a vital role in the political structure. Collective memories organize people in the society and added a hypothesis that imagination destroys the political structures.
Locke on the other hand tried to oppose this by saying that imagination brings in some unexpected changes. He said that imagination is not bad and it is actually necessary to take the memory based society forward.
Now mostly it has been seen that Amnesia is rampant in modern societies. The societies tend to forget some unpleasant or catastrophic event of the past. This is they say in necessary for the survival of the society. Free thinking and expressing of views is thought to be harmful for the society and mostly people try to suppress any such activities which can make people recall past events. So all the people living in the society suffer from amnesia – or one can say lack of memory of the event so the past which effected their ancestors. They try to prevent any thought of suffering as they may not explain how their society survived and is in present state of happiness from the turmoil. They try to prevent thoughts about something similar could occur in the future and they may be effected. The individuals thus try to escape from the stress so occurring out of these thoughts.
Now in order to make a memory based society stand, people need to forget the past and try to create the future. Imagination of individuals play a very important role in shaping up the future. As stated earlier an amnesia effected individual can imagine, so is an amnesia effected society can imagine and helps in its growth.
It is because of the imagination that prevented the societies from catastrophes that is the part of the notion of history repeating itself. If imagination had been suppressed then the world would have disintegrated.
Types of Amnesia in individuals ( Medical Psychology Terms)
Anterograde amnesia, new events are not transferred to long-term memory, so the sufferer will not be able to remember anything that occurs after the onset of this type of amnesia for more than a few moments.
Retrograde amnesia, where someone will be unable to recall events that occurred before the onset of amnesia. Both categories of amnesia can occur together in the same patient, and commonly result from damage to the brain regions most closely associated with episodic/declarative memory: the medial temporal lobes and especially the hippocampus.
Traumatic amnesia is generally due to a head injury (fall, knock on the head). Traumatic amnesia is often transient, the duration of the amnesia is related to the degree of injury and may give an indication of the prognosis for recovery of other functions.
Alcohol amnestic disorder Memory loss caused by alcoholism is known as the Korsakoff’s syndrome. Alcohol amnestic disorder or Korsakoff’s syndrome is a memory defect ( particularly with regard to recent events) which is concealed by falsification of events. Individuals may not recognize pictures, feces, rooms, and other objects that they have just seen, although they may feel that these people or objects are familiar. Such persons increasingly tend to fill in gaps with reminiscences and fanciful tales that lead to unconnected and distorted associations. The memory disturbance seems relates to an inability to form new associations in a manner that render them readily retrievable. Such a reaction occurs after many years of alcoholic addiction.
Psychogenic amnesia Dissociative disorders are ways of avoiding stress while gratifying needs- in a manner permitting the person to deny personal responsibility for his and her unacceptable behavior. In case of dissociative disorders, however , the person avoids the stress by escaping dissociating- from his or her core personality. Dissociative patterns include psychogenic amnesia and fugue states, multiple personality, and depersonalization. Amnesia may occur in neurotic and psychotic disorders and in brain pathology, including brain injury and disease of the nervous system. If the amnesia is caused by brain pathology, it usually involves the actual failure of retention.
Psychogenic amnesia is fairly common in initial reactions to intolerably traumatic experiences, such as those occurring during combat conditions and immediately after catastrophic events. However some neurotically functioning individuals develop such amnesias in the face of stressful life situations with which most people deal more effectively. In case of psychogenic amnesia, instead of avoiding some unpleasant situation by getting sick, the person does it thoughts about it, and slowly and surely he tends these thoughts move to the unconscious.
Fugue state is also known as dissociative fugue. It is caused by psychological trauma and is usually temporary. The Merck Manual defines it as “one or more episodes of amnesia in which the inability to recall some or all of one’s past and either the loss of one’s identity or the formation of a new identity occur with sudden, unexpected, purposeful travel away from home”.
Childhood amnesia (also known as Infantile amnesia) is the common inability to remember events from your own childhood. Whilst Sigmund Freud attributed this to sexual repression, others have theorised that this may be due to language development or immature parts of the brain.
Global amnesia is total memory loss. This may be a defence mechanism which occurs after a traumatic event. Post-traumatic stress disorder can also involve the spontaneous, vivid retrieval of unwanted traumatic memories. It is believed that Mauritania’s Silent Flute Man suffered from this condition.
Posthypnotic amnesia is where events during hypnosis are forgotten, or where past memories are unable to be recalled.